Olimpia Vergnano


Managing partner and member of the BOD, Italian patent and trade mark attorney, European patent attorney, European trade mark and design attorney, qualified industrial property attorney before the Patent and Trade Mark Office of the Rep. of San Marino, member of the Institute of the Italian Industrial Property Consultants, member of the Institute of the European Patent Attorneys, member of the Collegio Italiano dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale and of the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI).

Pierpaolo Robba


Partner and president of the BOD, Italian patent and trade mark attorney, European patent attorney, European trade mark and design attorney, member of the Institute of the Italian Industrial Property Consultants, member of the Institute of the European Patent Attorneys, member of the Collegio Italiano dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale and of the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI). He has a degree in physics from the University of Torino and received his post-graduate diploma in European Patent Litigation from the University of Strasbourg. He is Court expert in patent litigation before the Court of Torino. He is a member of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), of the International Trademark Association (INTA) and of the Licensing Executives Society (LES).

Maria Cristina Benso


Italian Patent and trade mark attorney, European patent attorney, European trade mark and design attorney, member of the Institute of the European Patent Attorneys, qualified industrial property attorney before the Patent and Trade Mark Office of the Rep. of San Marino. She has a degree in pharmacy from the University of Torino and she deals with inventions in the field of pharmaceutics and chemistry.

Stefano Baldi


He joined Interpatent in 2001, his intellectual property practice focuses on patent and design matters. He is Italian Patent attorney, European Patent attorney as well as European design attorney. He is member of the Institute of the Italian Industrial Property Consultants for patent matters, qualified patent attorney before the Patent and Trade Mark Office of the Rep. of San Marino as well as member of the Institute of the European Patent Attorneys. After graduating in nuclear engineering at the Politecnico di Torino, he obtained a Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA) in “Sciences et Modélisation des Systèmes Complexes” at the Université de Marseille (France) and further obtained a Ph.D. in “Sciences Physiques” at the Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne (France). From 1996 to 2000, he carried out R&D activities at the Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires of Cadarache (France) of the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique. He handles patent and design matters as well as technical expertises with respect to validity and infringement. Languages: Italian, French and English

Rossana Bavaro


She joined Interpatent in 2000 and her intellectual property practice focuses on trade marks. She is Italian and European trade mark and design attorney and is a member of the Institute of the Italian Industrial Property Consultants, as well as ordinary member of the European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA) and member of the Professional Affairs Committee (PAC). She has a degree in economics and business with a dissertation on industrial property rights entitled “Legal protection of the renown trade mark”, she attended the Convey course for the “Preparation for Trade Mark Consultants”, a master on “Technological Transfer”, a master on “Qualification for Financial Development” and a master on “Orientation for Financial Development”. Before moving to Turin, she worked in IP consulting firms in Milan for some years. She manages and coordinates the protection of trade mark portfolios both of Italian and foreign companies operating in the field of communication media, publishing, telecommunications, footwear, luxury goods and hair products. She provides consultancy concerning the filing, prosecution, obtainment and enforcement of trade marks in Italy, in the European Union and abroad on behalf of Italian and foreign clients, and deals with opposition procedures in the different jurisdictions and with the drafting of amicable settlement and co-existence agreements; she also specializes in the economic evaluation of trade mark and patent portfolios. Languages: Italian, English and French.

Simona Berruti


She joined Interpatent in 2020 and is assistant in the administration and finance department. After her high-school degree in accounting, she had worked for over 20 years as sales and administration manager for companies managing orders from national and international key market players. Languages: Italian, English and French.

Manuela Bruscolini


In Interpatent since 2001, she works in the trade mark department and cooperates with the Management as Human Resource manager. She is Italian and European trade mark and design attorney. She is member of the Institute of the Italian Industrial Property Consultants for trade mark matters. She has a degree as Interpreter and Translator from the University of Bologna and a post-graduate specialization in legal translation at the IULM of Milan. Before moving to Torino, she worked as conference interpreter and translator for a primary law firm of Milan specialized in Industrial Property. She assists Italian and foreign clients in the filing and prosecution of trade mark applications in Italy and Europe and in the management of procedures of recordal of IP ownership transfer and of licenses. She is member of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), of the International Trademark Association (INTA), of MARQUES -also as Member of its International Trade Mark Law and Practice Team- and of the Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group (PTMG). She has been speaker in seminars in the field of trade marks and domain names and has cooperated with the Institute of the Italian Industrial Property Consultants for the review of decisions issued by the Appeal Board in the matter of trade marks. Languages: Italian, English, German and French.

Giusy Buonocore


She joined Interpatent in 2020 and works as assistant in the invention and design department. She graduated from the University of Turin, taking a Master’s Degree in Translation and she had studying experiences in France and Russia.She manages the maintenance of patents and designs worldwide, she is in charge of customer database, manages statements of account and she is also involved in translation tasks. Languages: Italian, English, French, Russian and basic German.

Valentina Fortunato


She joined Interpatent in 2020 and works in the trade mark department. She has a Master’s degree in Translation studies from the University of Torino and has had some professional experiences, in Italy and abroad, in the administrative and translation fields. She assists attorneys in the filing, prosecution and renewal of trade marks in Italy and abroad, as well as in the legalization of documents and in handling Office Actions; she is also actively involved in technical and legal translations. Languages: Italian, English and German.

Alberto Furno


He joined Interpatent in 2007 and is an Italian and European trade mark and design attorney and is a member of the Institute of the Italian Industrial Property Consultants for trade mark matters. He has a degree in Law from the University of Turin. He represents and advises Italian and foreign clients in all trade mark-related matters in various fields including luxury goods, fashion and alcoholic beverages. Over the years he has also developed significant experience in handling all domain name issues (from registration of domain names to activities of abusive domain name registration pursuant to the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and other mandatory procedures adopted in other jurisdictions). Languages: Italian and English.

Luisa Gamberini


She joined Interpatent in 1991 and works in the invention and design department. She is an Italian and European trade mark and design attorney and is a member of the Institute of the Italian Industrial Property Consultants for trade mark matters. She has a degree in foreign languages and literatures from the University of Torino, and after several years of practice in the trade mark department she dealt with the filing and prosecution of patents and designs as well as with the validation of European patents before the Italian Patent and Trademark Office and she is currently responsible for the filing and prosecution of plant variety applications especially before the Italian Patent and Trade Mark Office and before the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO); she is also actively involved in technical and legal translations. Languages: Italian, English, German and Spanish.

Anna Maria Gennaro


She joined Interpatent in 2008 and works as assistant in the invention and design department. She obtained a high-school diploma in administration and worked for over twenty years in the administrative department of a well-known law firm, where she gained experience in firm management and in supporting the activities of attorneys at law. She manages the maintenance of patents worldwide. Languages: Italian and English.

Maria Cristina Goicoechea


She joined Interpatent in 2014 and works in the trade mark department, especially with regard to Spanish-speaking countries. She is Italian and European trade mark and design attorney and is member of the Institute of the Italian Industrial Property Consultants for trade mark matters. She has a degree in Law from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICADE) in Madrid and attended a Specialization Course on Industrial Property at the Universidad San Pablo (CEU) in Madrid. She has worked in some Industrial Property Law Firms in Spain and Italy and has experience in the registration and prosecution of Spanish, Italian, European and International trade marks. She has also provided advice on patent, copyright, counterfeiting, unfair competition and domain name matters. Languages: Italian, Spanish and English.

Nicole Gorlier


With Interpatent since 2017, she works as legal counsel in the trade mark department. She has a degree in Law from the University of Torino and is admitted to the Roll of Solicitors of Torino. She gained experience in the field of intellectual property in a leading law firm in Turin specialized in IP. She provides legal advice on trade marks, patents, copyrights, counterfeiting, unfair competition and domain names and handles registration procedures for Italian, EU and international trade marks. She deals with all aspects of trade mark protection from the initial stage onwards: novelty searches, filing and prosecution both in Italy and abroad; watch services; trade mark enforcement at national, EU, international and foreign national level; counseling with respect to opposition proceedings against Italian, EU and foreign national trade mark registrations; drafting of warning letters, opinions and responses regarding counterfeiting, unfair competition and trade mark validity. In addition, she gained experience in drafting and revising extrajudicial and commercial agreements as well as trade mark and patent license and transfer contracts. Languages: Italian, English and French.

Nicola Gulli


He joined Interpatent in 2021 and works as Marketing, Digital Innovation and Sales support for the trade mark and patent departments. He studied Architecture at the Polytechnic of Turin. Creative and innovator by nature, he has a consolidated experience in Strategic Marketing and Communication. He has worked for more than 18 years as Group Marketing Manager of a leading multinational automotive company, gaining professional experience in Italy and abroad and conceiving, implementing and managing corporate innovation projects in order to simplify processes. During his career he has developed skills in the use of CRM, Business Intelligence and Forecasting tools. Languages: Italian, English and basic Spanish.

Gabriella Malpassuto


She joined Interpatent in 2007 after being employed in important intellectual property firms. She works as executive assistant in patent and design matters. She handles the organization of meetings, events and conferences for our attorneys as well as of their business trips in Italy and abroad. She has a high-school diploma in accounting and she is also a freelance tourist guide for Torino. Languages: Italian, English and French.

Simona Mantovani


She joined Interpatent in 2018 and works in the trademark department. She is Italian and European trademark and design attorney. She is member of the Institute of the Italian Industrial Property Consultants for trade mark matters. Graduated in Law at the University of Turin with a thesis on Industrial Law entitled “I marchi di forma” (“Shape Trademarks”), she worked several years with a leading IP consulting firm where she deepened her knowledge of the Intellectual Property field. She assists Italian and foreign clients in the filing and prosecution of trade mark applications in Italy and Europe, in the International Register and abroad, in carrying out trademark availability searches, in trademark opposition procedures, in the procedure of recordal of transfers of intellectual property rights. She is member of the European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA) and the International Trademark Association (INTA). Languages : Italian, English and French.

Paola Mogavero


She joined Interpatent in 1995 and is manager of the administration and finance department. She has a degree in economics and business and has gained wide experience in the fiscal and tax law field at an important accounting firm. Languages: Italian and English.

Giovanni Mondello


He joined Interpatent in 2013 and his practice focuses on design and patent matters. He is Italian Patent attorney and partially qualified European Patent attorney and he handles patent and design matters, from searches to the drafting of applications and their prosecution, from technical opinions on infringement and validity to patent watches. Graduated in physics engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan, he has gained experience in IT engineering at companies in the IT sector. Languages: Italian and English.

Eleonora Moreno


She joined the patent and design department of Interpatent in 2022 and she is currently Trainee Patent Attorney. She graduated with Mechanical Engineering from the Polytechnic of Turin, where she obtained a Master’s Degree in Automation. Under the supervision of experienced company tutors, she provides Italian and foreign clients with assistance in filing and obtaining patents in Italy and abroad, in carrying out patentability and freedom-to-operate searches and in writing technical opinions on infringement matters. Languages: Italian, English.

Domenico Paglianiti


Domenico has joined Interpatent since 2023 and works in the invention and design department. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering from the Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy, and a master’s degree in electronic engineering specializing in microsystems from the same university, doing his thesis at Ecole des Ingenieurs et des Architechs in Fribourg (CH). He gained experience in electronic design, electronic manufacturing, industrial automation and software development. Attended the patent attorney exam preparation course at Politecnico di Milano and completed the internship of Intellectual Property Consultants Patent Section at another leading firm in the field.
Under the supervision of experienced firm tutors, he provides assistance to Italian and foreign clients in procedures for filing and obtaining patents in Italy and abroad, conducting patentability and freedom-to-implement searches, and drafting technical opinions on infringement issues. Languages known: Italian, French and English.

Vincenza Scafidi


She joined Interpatent in 2016 and she works in the trade mark department. She has a Master’s degree in Foreign Languages for the International Communication and Cooperation from the University of Torino and has had some professional experiences in the field of international communication in Italy and abroad.
She has also gained experience in the field of the international diplomacy thanks to an internship at the United Nations Organization.
She assists attorneys in the filing, prosecution and renewal of trade marks in Italy and abroad, as well as in the translation and legalization of documents and in handling Office Actions.
Languages: Italian, English, French, Russian and German.

Ilaria Scorrano


She joined Interpatent in 2020 and works in the invention and design department. She has a Master’s degree in Translation from the University of Turin. She assists attorneys with patenting procedures in Italy (UIBM), Europe (EPO) and on an international basis (PCT) as well as being involved in the translation of technical and legal documents. Languages: Italian, English, Spanish and basic Portuguese.

Daniela Siccardi


She joined Interpatent in 1999 and works in the invention and design department. She has a degree in Biological Sciences with bio-ecological orientation, has completed a postgraduate internship in biotechnology of yeasts at the genetic and molecular biology laboratory of the University of Perugia – Italy – Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, Food and Agriculture (sect. Applied Microbiology). She attended the CEIPI two-year course (European Patent Training) concerning the European patenting procedures and the EPC (European Patent Convention). She deals with patenting procedures in Italy (UIBM ), Europe (EPO) and on an international basis (PCT). Languages: Italian and English.

Alina Susan


She joined Interpatent in 2018, his intellectual property practice focuses on patent and design matters. She is Italian Patent attorney and she is member of the Institute of the Italian Industrial Property Consultants for patent matters. Graduated in Electronic Engineering, she gained experience in IT engineering working with companies in the automotive field and she is familiar with the basic programming languages. She attended the Patent Attorney examination preparation course at the Politecnico di Milano. She handles patent and design matters, patentability searches as well as technical opinions with respect to infringement and she provides assistance in drafting and prosecution of patent applications before the competent Offices. Languages: Italian, Rumanian and English.

Giulia Zuccarino


She joined Interpatent in 2017 and works in the invention and design department. She has a high-school diploma in foreign languages and assists attorneys with patenting procedures in Italy (UIBM), Europe (EPO) and on an international basis (PCT). Languages: Italian, English, French and Spanish.